Mobile Mentor Ltd are proud to announce winning the APAC Innovation Partner of the Year award at the MobileIron AJP partner conference in Vietnam.
Managing Director for Mobile Mentor Australia Randall Cameron traveled to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam to accept the award and attend the MobileIron AJP Partner Conference. This annual event brings together MobileIron business partners to better understand the mobile industry and the changes expected for the upcoming year. This year Mobile Mentor took home the APAC Innovation Partner of the year award for the innovative work done with the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) to support Census 2016. Randall was invited to present at the event covering who Mobile Mentor are and an overview of the solution for ABS.
Randall’s presentation explained what the Australian Census is and why MobileIron represented not only the best technology fit but more importantly the lowest risk solution for both Mobile Mentor as the service provider and ABS as the customer. With over 30,000 new staff required to use the service architectural simplicity, security and robust scalability were key factors.

“Matt Bennett – Vice President of Sales for APJ says, Mobile Mentor displayed why they are at the forefront of mobile services in supporting ABS with this highly visible Census project that touches all Australians. By having a deep understanding of the customer requirements and the MobileIron platform, through investment and partnership, they were able to develop a solution and commercial offer that proved a winner. We again congratulate them on raising the standard and winning this prestigious award.”

The Census provides an idea of Australia’s people and their housing. It helps estimate Australia’s population, which is then used to distribute government funds and plan services for communities throughoutt Australia, including housing, transport, education, industry, hospitals and the environment. In 2016 ABS is looking to reduce the cost of the Census to the community in an easy, secure and environmentally friendly way, in the lead up to 9 August, households will receive a letter from the ABS, addressed ‘To the Resident’, including a unique login and instructions on how to complete the Census online.
The leader in security and management for mobile apps, documents, and devices, MobileIron’s goal is to enable organizations around the world to embrace mobility as their primary IT platform in order to transform their businesses and increase their competitiveness. More than 10,000 companies rely on MobileIron’s scalable architecture, rapid innovation, and best practices for their mobile initiatives. For more information: