
How to make sure your MDM Migration is successful

  "The modern workplace is an evolving concept and in today’s world it means allowing employees to work anywhere, anytime, anyhow."   Migrating to a new MDM solution can be a daunting task.   In many cases, the existing MDM solution is not supported or well documented. What’s worse, the people who built the existing system may no longer be available.  In spite of these challenges, there [...]

Android 11 Brings Changes and New Capabilities to Business Use

      Changes to Android Enterprise COPE “The Android 11 release from Google brings new features and capabilities that make Android a more attractive business alternative to iOS” Android Enterprise COPE – Corporately Owned Personally Enabled - was a configuration designed to allow personal use on a company owned device offering a combination of security [...]

August 27th, 2020|Android, Insights|

Walkie Talkie for Microsoft Teams

      “Your teams will be able to use this push-to-talk feature to communicate securely without the need for bulky radios” We have been hearing about a Walkie Talkie feature coming to Teams on mobile devices and it looks like it’s finally here! The Walkie Talkie functionality provides instant Microsoft Teams push-to-talk (PTT) communication and Microsoft have just announced it’s [...]

Mobile Application Management (MAM) for Personal Smartphones

    “Companies everywhere are waking up to the reality that unmanaged data on personal smartphones is a huge security risk”   Ignoring mobile device security may come at your peril. Companies everywhere are waking up to the reality that unmanaged data on personal smartphones is a huge security risk. The Verizon Mobile Security [...]

May 13th, 2020|Android, Insights, iOS|
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