Exploring new data from the 2024 Endpoint Ecosystem Study

As we have emerged from the pandemic, it’s evident that employee priorities have undergone significant changes. Hybrid work setups have become the new standard, leading to a transformation in attitudes.

According to the 2024 Endpoint Ecosystem Study, personal well-being has emerged as the primary concern for workers this year. Surprisingly, 83% of individuals now prioritize personal well-being over job satisfaction, marking a ten percent increase from 2022.

When asked to rank their priorities, workers listed them in the following order:

  1. Personal well-being
  2. Pay and benefits
  3. Job satisfaction
  4. The ability to work from home
  5. Company culture

This data suggests that as employees transition away from traditional office settings, they may feel disconnected from company culture and seek fulfillment within themselves. Besides the shift towards hybrid work, what other factors could be driving these changes? Let’s explore further.

Isolation from Colleagues

The surge in remote work undoubtedly contributes to heightened feelings of isolation among employees in 2023. Varying rates of in-person meetings also play a role. According to the 2024 Endpoint Ecosystem study, only 50% of individuals have face-to-face interactions with their coworkers. Even more striking is that 8% claim to have never met anyone from their company in person, while 28% report meeting someone only once or twice. This trend is particularly pronounced among American employees, as evidenced by the graph below.

Belief in Better Practices Elsewhere

Many employees harbor the belief that other companies use their more technology in a more efficient capacity. This sentiment is especially prevalent regarding technology, with 59% of individuals feeling that other companies excel in this area.

Industry plays a significant role in shaping these perceptions. Finance and government sectors, in particular, exhibit high levels of this sentiment. For instance, 61% of finance professionals believe that other companies are more advanced in their use of technology, surpassing other highly regulated industries like healthcare, education, and government.

A Bright Outlook for the Future

Despite these challenges, there’s optimism among workers regarding the willingness of their companies to embrace technological advancements. Seventy-one percent believe that their company is open to implementing new technology to enhance work processes. However, this figure marks a 9% decrease from 2022, reflecting a shift from the initial post-pandemic enthusiasm.

How can we Improve?

While hybrid work arrangements may prioritize personal well-being over company culture, there are steps employers can take to address this imbalance:

  1. Businesses can implement well-being initiatives that cater to all employees, with special attention to remote workers who may feel the most isolated.
  2. Leaders can arrange team gatherings and events to connect employees and foster relationships at work.
  3. Employers can lean into new technology and establish contents and competitions focused on leveraging technological innovations


In conclusion, the shifting priorities of employees in 2024 reflect a profound transformation in the workplace landscape, accelerated by the challenges and adaptations brought about by the pandemic. As hybrid work models become the new norm, personal well-being has taken precedence over traditional markers of job satisfaction, signaling a fundamental reevaluation of what constitutes a fulfilling work environment. However, amidst the increasing prevalence of remote work and concerns about isolation, there remains a pressing need for employers to prioritize initiatives that promote employee connection, well-being, and technological advancement to ensure a thriving and engaged workforce in the evolving landscape of work.

Looking ahead, fostering a culture that values employee well-being and embraces technological innovation will be essential for companies seeking to attract and retain talent in this dynamic environment. By addressing the root causes of isolation, facilitating meaningful connections among colleagues, and providing opportunities for creativity and growth, businesses can position themselves as leaders in cultivating a workplace culture that prioritizes both personal fulfillment and professional success in the years to come.

Download the 2024 Endpoint Ecosystem Study

Andrew Reade