“Mobile Mentor redefined the scope of what we were hoping to do in a way that was certain to succeed.”

– Steven Petrenko, General Manager Information Technology, Neami National

Neami National, an Australian community-based organisation providing mental health services, was facing a steep incline in the number of devices in their business due to accelerated growth in their business. Although their homespun device management had worked well in the past, Neami’s General Manager of Information Technology, Steven Petrenko, knew their legacy approach wasn’t positioned to scale with the company.

Their growth plan included a strategy to mobilise their workforce. At this point, their use of mobile devices was limited to email and calendar functionality. In order to be more effective in reaching people in need of mental health services, their mobile utlisation would need to become more robust and versatile.

Previously, Neami was tackling their device management and support internally. But in order to keep pace with their ambitious growth plan, they’d need specialised support from device management experts to effectively scale with success. Steve knew that Neami would largely benefit from what a Modern MSP had to offer.

Mobilising and Growing with Experts


“Mobile Mentor stood out immediately! As an organisation, they spoke to the opportunity our mobile devices presented, rather than positioning the devices as a threat to be managed.”

Steven Petrenko, Chief Operations Officer, General Manager Information Technology, Neami National

Neami engaged with Mobile Mentor to find a solution to their device management challenge. Mobile Mentor took Neami through a technical scoping exercise.

With the analysis completed, the Mobile Mentor team was able to offer Neami a roadmap for continued success to pair with their growth and mobilisation goals which included:

Mobile App Management

Mobile Mentor would provide support for users pertaining to app installation and connectivity troubleshooting. They’d also curate a release management program for vertical apps while providing analytics of inventory, trends, usage, and guidance for productivity improvements.

Zero Touch Deployment Support

The Mobile Mentor team would provide Neami with ongoing integration guidance, and support for Zero Touch Provisioning solutions across the mobile operating systems. This would allow Neami to cut device imaging time by 90% while also streamlining employee onboarding.

The Path to Intune

The Mobile Mentor team recommended that Neami make an eventual switch to Microsoft Intune. As Microsoft 365 license holders, Intune would provide cost savings for Neami while positioning them for stronger security and better employee experience as it relates to their device management.

“Mobile Mentor elevates us to best practice.”

Steven Petrenko, Chief Operations Officer, General Manager Information Technology, Neami National

The Freedom to Scale and Amplify Capabilities

The Neami team is now able to scale their mobile device management program to meet the needs of their business growth.

Neami and the Mobile Mentor team meet monthly with Mobile Mentor to discuss their technical maturity in the mobile devices management space. They take a regular deep dive into the systems and controls that Mobile Mentor has established to ensure their continued success in the Neami environment.


About Neami National

Neami National is a community-based organisation providing services to improve mental health and well-being in local communities. Neami is a values-based, not-for-profit organisation providing mental health, homelessness, and suicide prevention services.