Driver Group wanted a way to allow drivers to perform online tickets with student travellers. Driver needed a way to inform drivers of students to be collected, provide electronic boarding information and manifest, and do so in a secure, centrally managed manner.  

Drivers need to monitor the road conditions and focus on driving safely. Driver Group knew that reducing information to one screen would be critical to reducing distraction. Combining multiple applications on one device was imperative to accommodate space and not impede driver attention.



To address the needs of Driver Group, Mobile Mentor built a solution using shared Android devices, managed through MobileIron. 

Samsung TAB Active 2 Devices were setup remotely using Kiosk mode.  These allow drivers to get to the apps they need without having to worry about screen navigation and device setup. Further, the devices themselves are centrally managed – which allows multiple drivers to use the same shared device. The devices are now physically secured in the bus. 

To keep the devices current and secure, Mobile Mentor used MobileIron and leveraged MobileIron Sentry for AppTunnel Service. This allowed the device to talk to Driver Group’s backend servers securely. Two apps were setup for the shared devices: MobileIron Tunnel for always on VPN, and TLinc for Bus Route information. Finally, an app was deployed to keep the screen on permanently and prevent dimming.





Driver Group were able to achieve 

  1. A streamlined enrolment process to utilise Android Enterprise 

  2. Faster deployment of tablets in busses and coaches through an enrolment process 

  3. A simplified and scalable ability to identify each tablet to each user and bus 

Driver Group can now deploy this solution to its fleet of busses and coaches and have an excellent, manageable, and scalable solution to provide critical information to their drivers in real time without impeding driver attention or taking up excessive space. 

Bus and Coach drivers get information on student travellers as well as boarding information and electronic manifests – all in real time. Further, Driver Group has laid the groundwork for a live tracking platform in the future, leveraging shared devices and mobile device management through MobileIron. 




Driver Group Australia has been trading successfully since 1931 and currently operates a fleet of 145 buses and coaches made up of school and charter buses, tour coaches and a driver classic historic fleet. The preferred bus and tour coach brands are Scania with Irizar or Higer bodies and Denning with Cummins power. 

Driver Group Australia has built an enviable reputation for service and quality in all aspects of operation. The future plans of Driver Group Australia are to remain family owned and to strengthen operating areas as and when required. The newer generations of the Driver family are continuing to build on the strong foundations, goals and principles of the founding Driver Brothers.