T&G Global’s Desire to Fully Leverage Their Microsoft Investment and Intune
T&G Global was faced with many technical challenges brought on by the COVID-19 Pandemic and various stages of lockdown in New Zealand. Flexible working arrangements such as remote and hybrid work had swiftly become the norm. The team needed to ensure their group was operating at a high level of efficiency while maintaining a high level of security to address increased cyber threats in recent months.
In order to provide employees with a reliable and intuitive experience with devices, T&G Global decided to purchase a fleet of over 400 Microsoft Surface devices to deploy to their team. As a result, the group needed to standardise their Surface builds and device enrolment process with Microsoft Intune, a switch from their legacy strategy of leveraging Configuration Manager (SCCM).
With the pivot to Intune, T&G Global wanted to get the most out of their Microsoft investment and wanted to use Intune to its fullest extent, in the most efficient manner possible. T&G wanted to guarantee that all features bundled with the program were being deployed. This included services such as Zero-Touch Provisioning, Over-the-Air updates, app deployment, and Conditional Access for real-time device/user attestation.
With the end-user in mind, T&G wanted to provide the best device management experience possible. T&G knew they needed to modernise, stay secure, and allow their people to continue doing great work during lockdowns and beyond.
Using the Modern Work Assessment to Ensure Best Practices
T&G Global engaged Mobile Mentor to conduct a comprehensive audit of their environment by leveraging the Modern Work Assessment, followed by a custom second workshop on the Surface experience. The Modern Work Assessment identified how the group was positioned in terms of best practices for endeavours such as Zero-Touch Provisioning, Over-the-Air updates, app deployment, Conditional Access for real-time device/user attestation, and use of Microsoft Teams on their Surface Devices.
T&G were pleased to see that against a group of 40 New Zealand companies who’ve been assessed, T&G ranked #2 on the maturity scale for endpoint security and employee experience.
Not satisfied to rest on their laurels, T&G then again engaged with Mobile Mentor to complete a full Endpoint Management Health Check of their Intune environment. This would ensure T&G that they were managing their Intune environment with maximum efficiency and security.
T&G Global Achieves Best Value from Microsoft Intune
Once complete with their Modern Work Assessment and Endpoint Management Health Check, T&G Global received a comprehensive 40-page report on best practice tips to improve their use of Microsoft Intune in order to deliver a secure and user-friendly experience on their recently acquired Surface devices. The report given to T&G as an output of the Modern Work Assessment gave recommendations on how to switch on more of the levers of value in their existing licensing and to get more out of their investment in Microsoft.
In addition to the tips for improvement, the Modern Work Assessment and Endpoint Management Health Check output reports provided the group with validation that they had made the right decision to pivot to using Microsoft Intune.